Criminal Laws Dubai

Criminal Laws in Dubai and Criminal Laws in Abu Dhabi

What is a Victimless Crime and is it punishable in Dubai?

A victimless crime refers to an illegal act that does not directly damage or infringe upon the rights of another person. These offenses often consist of consensual actions among adults or conduct that is self-guided. The phrase suggests that there isn’t a clear victim affected by the action, though society at large or indirect parties

What is a Victimless Crime and is it punishable in Dubai? Read More »

What is the purpose of criminal law in Dubai, UAE?

Criminal law fulfills various crucial roles in society, focusing on preserving order, safeguarding individuals, and enhancing justice. Criminal law seeks to prevent criminal actions by employing two forms of deterrence: Personal deterrence: This focuses on particular offenders, enforcing sanctions to prevent them from engaging in future criminal activities. General deterrence: Its purpose is to prevent

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